How Does Our Conscious and Subconscious Mind Work?

Hypnosis will influence the conscious mind. The conscious mind is analytical and logically, we make decisions and plans with our conscious mind and it’s where our willpower is located.

The subconscious mind controls our behaviors and habits and it runs our body or our autonomic nervous system. Our emotions, imagination, and our long-term memories are all located in our subconscious mind.

Between the ages of 7 to 11 years old a barrier forms in the conscious mind, it’s called the critically faculty. In fact, young children are technically in a state of hypnosis.

Scientific research through brain scans (EEGs) shows visual representation of activity that occurs in our brains during hypnosis. It has been revealed that different brain wave activities during various thought processes become active while undergoing sessions of hypnotherapy. Research shows the client goes into hypnosis voluntarily for himself/herself, and so all hypnosis can be referred to as self-hypnosis. The hypnotherapist serves as a guide and some hypnotherapists refer to the client as a co-hypnotherapist or explorer. Hypnosis is the Alpha and Theta brain wave states.

Hypnosis is 100% safe. When you are in hypnosis you are aware and in control every moment and can terminate the session at any point. You will remain in complete control of your actions throughout the session and it is impossible to get stuck in a state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is very soothing and pleasing, though it is not tied to sleep.

Clinical hypnotherapy is not the same as what you see on television, at the state fair or at a stage show. As the client follows the hypnotherapist’s instructions, they will achieve hypnotic trance. The experience of hypnosis is unique and will change from one client to the next or even between sessions.

Hypnosis is state of heightened concentration and focused attention. When the client is in hypnosis, they do not lose personality, free will, or personal strength; and the client is in control. The hypnotherapist will allow you to reprogram your mind to take on more desirable habits, tap into your inner thoughts to unearth personal truths, improve your overall health, and allow you to achieve a greater range of freedom and happiness.

The client can come up out of hypnosis at any time during the session. Contrary to what some believe, hypnosis is not sleep. Clients cannot and do not get “stuck” in hypnosis.
A client cannot be made to do something. The client must want to participate and achieve the goals that will be discussed before the session begins. Hypnosis is a relaxing, and enjoyable experience.

In ancient Greece and Egypt, people would go to what was referred to as “sleep temples” where high priests and priestesses would whisper words of healing into an ill or injured person’s ear, and the person would leave feeling rested and rejuvenated. This was known as “sleep healing” in ancient Greece and as “mind cure” in the 14th through 19th centuries. In the mid 19th century physician James Braid coined the word “hypnosis.”

James Esdaile, was a British medical officer and surgeon practicing in India in the 1840’s, he performed thousands of painless surgeries by obtaining eye fixation and making passes with his hands over his patients. He used hypnosis in the medical field by performing more than 3000 surgical procedures without the patients experiencing pain. In Esdaile’s day the mortality rate after surgery was around 50%, and death was mostly caused by shock. Esdaile reduced the surgical death rate to 5%.

Hypnosis is now acknowledged by the medical industry, and has been recommended for use by the famous Mayo Clinic and other medical facilities. Kaiser Permanente recognizes hypnosis as an “under-utilized treatment.”

We all experience hypnotic states regularly during the course of our daily lives: being completely absorbed in thought while studying or lost in thought, listening to your favorite songs, reading your favorite books and even while falling asleep. All of these display our ability to enter into a trance or hypnotic state.

Beta: Wide-awake, Paying Attention and Focused

Ranging between 13 and 40 HZ, Beta Brain waves are most active while you are awake and your mind is at its keenest. These brainwaves are active when engaged in tasks that require concentration and active decision-making. You are able to devote a lot of attention to tasks and are at your most productive state.

Alpha: Imagery and Relaxation

When you are in alpha brain waves, between 7 and 12 HZ, your brain activity reaches a similar composition to that of a light hypnotic state. In the light trance state of alpha your awareness grows and you experience tranquility and peacefulness. Alpha brain waves are experienced as soothing relaxation.

Breaking Habits such as smoking, tobacco chewing and more can take place in light trance. When we drift in and out of sleep we are cycling through Alpha/Theta. Time distortion can occur during this period so a half an hour might feel like five minutes or the other way around.

Theta: Long-Term Memory and Intuition

When reaching states of near sleep, your mind experiences a lot of theta wave activity ranging between 4 and 7 HZ. This deep trance state has been described as magical because it’s where we can recall memories from infancy and childhood. Theta brain waves are reflective of being in a hypnotic state and is where a lot of healing and reprogramming can occur.

Delta: Sleep, Rejuvenation and Healing

Ranging between 0 and 4 HZ, Delta brain waves are the slowest. Delta is deep sleep; certain frequencies in the delta can release the Human Growth Hormone, which is needed for healing and renewal. This is why deep, restorative sleep is so important to the healing process.

What is The Success Rate of Hypnosis?

Here are the results of study performed and reported in American Health Magazine:

  • Out of 600 psychoanalysis sessions performed, clients had a 38% recovery or success rate.
  • Out of 22 behavioral therapy sessions performed, clients had a 72% recovery or success rate.
  • Out of 6 hypnotherapy sessions performed, clients had a 93% recovery or success rate.

Call Now for Free Phone Consultation

Call today for your free convenient phone consultation because the sooner you do the sooner you will be on your way to a healthier life. Hypnosis is what you need to get you on the road to success so that you can let go of some old negative behaviors and create some healthy new ones. Call (702) 721-0370.